Conversación en lengua extranjera:
un reto para el siglo XXI
Agustín Reyes Torres
Departamento de Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura.
Universitat de València
[email protected] @rawlin_papers
NO vemos las cosas como son,
las vemos como somos.
¿Cuántos continentes hay en nuestro planeta?
¿Cuál es el objetivo de aprender una lengua extranjera?
La comunicación
“Knowledge cannot be transmitted. It can only be constructed.”
Gordon Wells
El arte de conversar
El que habla mucho y escucha mucho,
Piensa mucho y sabe mucho
What is the most effective method of teaching?
• A good answer to this question might be that it depends on the goal, the student, the content, and the teacher.
• But the next best answer is,
• having the students get involved in their own learning. That is
active learning, having students do more than sitting in class.
• Key idea: “What the learner does is more important than
what the teacher does.” Geoff Petty
Literacy-based Approach
• El aprendizaje de una Lengua Extranjera debe contribuir tanto a la formación personal y social del alumnado como al desarrollo de su capacidad para pensar, comprender la realidad y expresar sus ideas de manera oral y escrita.
• Literacy “can be seen as a process rather than a product” (Paesani et al, 2016, p. 12). Likewise, Kern says that it “is a process of
creating and transforming knowledge” (2000).
• La lengua y el pensamiento van unidos (Vygostky). Son la base para
construir el conocimiento.
Literacy-based Approach
• In sum, and in consonance with Kern and Paesani, and
others such as as Kucer (2014), López-Sánchez (2014) and Brisk (2015), we can define LITERACY:
as a dynamic and multidimensional concept whose main
aim is to provide 21st century learners with the LANGUAGE SKILLS, VISUAL THINKING STRATEGIES and DIALOGIC
ATTITUDES that are necessary to develop the KNOWLEDGE that allows them to evaluate information, organize ideas, exchange perspectives, construct meaning and reflect
critically in a variety of sociocultural contexts.
(Reyes-Torres 2018)
The development of literacy
Literacy The conceptual
Sociocultural and aesthetic dimension Constitutional and cognitive dimension
The development of literacy
• The constitutional and cognitive dimension refers to the learner’s own identity, his attitude and his natural ability to approach a text and
generate his own thoughts.
• Create the right atmosphere and trigger their interest.
• As Kucer explains, it is “the desire of the language user to participate, explore, discover, construct and share meaning.”
• It is the basic machinery that readers need to bring to the text in order to process it.
The development of literacy
• The conceptual dimension is directly related to the idea of using texts or other multimodal resources to guide students to identify key
words or key images (learn grammar, visual language or literary
conventions) to be able to discuss the readings with other students.
• Differentiate the structure of a text, its genre, the topics, the main character or hero, the symbols…
• Give students the contents, the tools and the power to construct meanings and to think for themselves.
• Expresiones, idioms. “What are you up to?”
• The dot
• The sociocultural and aesthetic dimension shifts the attention from the text to the reader.
• Here, learners should be given the opportunity to relate the text to their own world of experiences. (Bakhtin)
• As Rosenblatt puts it, the meaning of any text does not lay in the work itself but in the reader’s interaction with it.
• Interaction with the other classmates!!