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Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish


Academic year: 2021

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Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco

Roman Catholic Parish

Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor

Saturday Vigil Mass:

Sunday Masses:

Mon.-Fri. Masses:

Friday Mass:

You are my beloved Son,

with You

I am well pleased.

Tú eres mi Hijo,

el predilecto;

en ti me complazco.

250 - 21st Street 216 - 27th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 Brooklyn, NY 11232 Parish Office at 250—21st Street

Phone: 718-768-3751 Fax: 718-768-4689 Website: www.stjohnstrocco-brooklyn.org

Mon. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-6:30pm Tues. - Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-7:30pm

Friday 9:00am-3:00pm Sat. 9am-12pm


The 2016 Mass Book is Opened: We ask that you come to the rectory to reserve Masses for the year 2016 on Tuesday through Thursday only from 1:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. This will give us a better op-portunity to serve your needs.

Libro De Misa Del 2016: Ya está abierto el libro de las Misas para el año 2016. Los que quieren mandar celebrar una misa en el año 2016 pueden venir a la rectoria en las horas de oficina para reservar fecha y pagarla.

Religious Education Classes Registration:

Registration for our parish Religious Education Faith Formation Classes is now taking place in the parish office. Registration fee is $40.00 for the first child and $30.00 for each additional child of the same family. Please bring a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate and a copy of the Birth Certificate.

Registración para las clases de Educación Religiosa: La inscripción para nuestras clases

de Educación Religiosa, para la Formación de Fe, está teniendo lugar ahora en la oficina de nuestra parroquia. El costo de inscripción para un niño es de $ 40.00, y $30.00 por cada niño adicional de la misma familia. Por favor traiga una copia del Certificado de Bautismo del niño y una copia del acta de nacimiento.


Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm

Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm


Please arrange at least 6 months in advance.

Por favor notificar al parroco

6 meses antes de la boda.


Please call the parish office

for more information.

Por favor, llame la oficina de la Parroquia

por más información

Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy 241 Prospect West, Brooklyn, NY 11215 Phone:

718-768-7629 Website:www.sjwca.org

Mass Intentions

Saturday January 9 5:30pm Giuseppe Martucci Requested by Wife Sunday January 10

8:45am MaryAnn Mancini (1st Anniversary)

Requested by Family

10:00am Para Todos Los Santos

De parte de Miguel Reyes

José Colon

De parte de Dianela Reyes

11:45am All Members of Our Parish Family

Monday January 11

8:30am Robert Notine III

Requested by Mr. & Mrs. R. Jefairjian

Tuesday January 12

8:30am The Children of Our Parish Family

Wednesday January 13

8:30am Esther Torres (Happy 96th Birthday)

Requested by Daughters

Thursday January 14

8:30am Increase in Religious Vocations

Friday January 15

8:30am Carlo Iacona

Requested by Kathy Radecki

7:30pm Todos Los Miembros de La Parroquia

Saturday January 16

5:30pm All Members of Our Parish Family

Please pray for the sick of our parish:

Liza & Lisette Ferreiro, Amanda Lara, Teresa Zapata,

Gladys Alarcon, Ramon Gonzalez, Victoria Dubitsky, Alfredo Rivas, Jack Reitz, Carla & Manuel Polanco

Altar Wine & Hosts and Oils

The Altar Wine and Hosts for the week of January 10 - January 16 are being offered in loving memory of MaryAnn Mancini at the request of her family and friends.

The Altar Oils and Candles for the week of January 10 – January 16 are being offered in loving memory of MaryAnn Mancini at the request of her family and friends.

Take Care Of Yourself

Dr. Vincent Adamo, a member of our parish fami-ly, would like to help us live and remain healthy. He is a very caring and friendly holistic doctor and puts his faith into action by helping anyone who is suffering or in pain. He is helping many people in our diocese to live a better life. His office is locat-ed at 446 Bay Ridge Parkway in Brooklyn and is phone number is 718-921-5483. You can find more info at www.liveholistic.net or www.youtube.com/vincentadamo. Call him today to schedule your appointment.


Please pray each day of this Holy Year

Pope Francis’ prayer for mercy.

Almighty God,

you reveal your love for us

in your Son, Jesus Christ,

who is the face of your mercy.

Pour out your mercy upon us

that we may bring to every person

your goodness and tenderness —

signs of your Kingdom,

present among us.

May we become merciful

like you, Father, are merciful.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Por favor, oren cada día de este

Año Santo la oración por la misericordia

de nuestra Papa Fransico.

O Dios todopoderoso

que revelas tu amor por nosotros

en tu Hijo Jesucristo,

el rostro de tu misericordia.

Derrama tu misericordia sobre nosotros

para que podamos Ilevar a cada persona

ta bandad y tu termurasignos de tu Reino

presente entre nosotros.

Qué seamos misericordiosos

como tú, Padre, eres misericordioso..

Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo,

quien vive y reina contigo

en la unidad del Espiritu Santo,

Dios único.os siglos de los siglos. Amén

Mass Intentions The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest and most perfect prayer we can offer because it is the prayer of Jesus Christ to the Father. The Mass is the most beautiful gift we can give to others. Masses may be offered not only for the deceased, but also for the sick, in thanksgiving for favors received, birthdays, anni-versaries, and for any special intention you may have. The donation for each Mass is $15.00. Come to the parish office on 21st Street to reserve your Masses.

Intenciones De Las Misas El Santo Sacrificio de la Misa es la oración más grande y más per-fecto que podemos ofrecer, porque es la oración de Jesucristo al Padre. La Misa es el don más hermoso que podemos dar a los demás. Las Misas se pueden ofrecer no sólo por los difuntos, sino también por lose enfermos, en acción de gracias por los favores recibidos, cumpleaños, aniversarios, y por cualquier intención especial. La donación por cada Misa es de $15.00. Pasar por la oficina de la parroquia (calle de 21st) para reservar sus Misas.

Memorial Candles: The memorial candles that burn for one year were up on December 31st. If you would like to reserve a candle for the year 2016, the donation is still the same - $100.00 for the entire year. You can make these arrange-ments at the rectory anytime during office hours. Velas Memorables: Las velas memorables las cuales están encendidas por todo el año se termi-nará el 31 de Diciembre. Si ud. desea reservar alguna vela por el año 2016, la donación es igual como el año pasado $100.00 por el año entero. Ud. puede hacer estos arreglos en la oficina de la rectoria durante horas de oficina.

Christmas Flowers Many Thanks to those who have given their contributions toward the flowers the parish will use during the Christmas Season. If you have not already made an offering, please consider a contribution to the parish for the Christmas Flowers. Thank You.

Flores de Navidad Muchas gracias a todos

uste-des quienes dieron su contribución acerca de las Flores de Navidad para la parroquia que serán usadas durante la temporada de Navidad. Si us-ted no tiene preparada una ofrenda, por favor, concidere una contribución para la parroquia para las Flores de Navidad. Gracia.


Sharing the Gospel

When you were baptized, a priest sprinkled holy water over your head. He said, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." God said, "This is my child in whom I am well pleased." Tell God you are glad you are his child. Tell him you will obey his laws. Tell him that you love him with your whole heart, soul, body, and mind. Your Dad says, "Wash your hands, please. It is almost time to eat." After you wash your hands really well, your Dad smiles. He says, "That's my boy. You did a good job!" In today's Gospel, it was time for Jesus to be bap-tized. After his baptism, Jesus talked to God his Father in prayer. Jesus did everything his Fa-ther asked. God was happy with his Son and said, "I'm pleased with you."


God, I want to make you and my parents happy. Amen

Something to Draw

Draw Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan.

Mission for the Week


Baptism of the Lord

"After all the people had been baptized and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, heaven

was opened." What a treat to be in that crowd! Just imagine the experience of witnessing this

mani-festation of divinity! To SEE the Holy Spirit "in bodily form like a dove"

and to hear the voice that "came from heaven" announcing Jesus' true

iden-tity. Don't we all long for this kind of miraculous clarity? Wouldn't it do

wonders for our faith if we had such unmistakable certainty about who

Je-sus really is? It's easy to imagine that the first Christians had it easier than

we do. They got to be with Jesus in person, and to witness the miracles that

went along with his years on earth. Because of this, we can quickly forget

the benefits we enjoy that they did not. We live on the other side of the

Resurrection, for example. The first followers of Christ believed in him BEFORE he rose from the

dead. We, on the other hand, have the confidence of knowing that this man literally conquered death.

We also have two millennia of Christian witness through the saints to pull upon. The first Christians

had no idea what this new religion would produce, how many people would embrace it, or how it

would change the world for the better. We know that Christianity has been fruitful beyond measure.

Today's Gospel informs us that it was only after they were baptized that the people witnessed the

opening of heaven. Even Jesus himself was baptized before he heard this earthly confirmation of his

heavenly origin. We who have been baptized, following the example of Christ, also have "access" to

the voice of God. In the silence of our hearts, and through God's word in the Bible (another

ad-vantage we enjoy), heaven is "opened" for us as well.

El Bautismo del Señor

La fiesta del Bautismo del Señor es la última del tiempo navideño. En ella se expresa, como en la

Epi-fanía, que Jesús, ese Niño, envuelto en pañales y recostado en un pesebre es la manifestación de Dios

mismo entre nosotros. Durante la Navidad vivimos un tiempo extraordinario; parece que el mundo

se detenga y aprenda a hacer el bien. La alegría es desbordante, las personas se encuentran, se

recon-cilian, se dan regalos. El ambiente en la liturgia es de gozo, de ternura y sencillez.

El evangelista Lucas, presentando la predicación del Bautista, nos enfoca en una

doble observación. El pueblo estaba en expectación. De hecho la gente creía que

Juan era el Mesías. Pero Juan aclara y encamina hacia el verdadero Mesías con su

propio testimonio. Hoy es un domingo que nos llena de nostalgia invitándonos al

equilibrio entre la Navidad que termina y que tiene un sentido extraordinario y la

entrada al ciclo ordinario; en la liturgia empezaremos a seguir al Señor en la normalidad de la vida

co-tidiana. Pero antes de eso vale la pena detenernos y pensar en la importancia de nuestro propio

bau-tismo. ¿Te has dado cuenta de que eres hijo, hija de Dios? ¿Sabes lo que quiere decir seguir al Mesías?

¿Comprendes el compromiso de estar vinculados a la misión de Jesucristo? Hoy es el día preciso de

comenzar de nuevo, centrarnos en la vida pública de Jesús en sus milagros y su deseo de que el Reino

de Dios se cumpla entre nosotros. Hacer presente a Jesús en el mundo con sencillez y apertura de

co-razón. ¡Eso hace un verdadero discípulo de Jesucristo!


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