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St Jude Catholic Church


Academic year: 2022

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St Jude Catholic Church

Office Hours/

Horas de Oficina

Mon-Fri / Lunes-Viernes 9 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Rev. Celestino Gutiérrez, Pastor

Rev. Robert L. Tatman, Parochial Vicar Rev. Victor Caviedes, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Humberto Alvia Deacon Leonardo Pastore

Deacon Sam Pellerito

Blessed Carlos Manuel Hispanic American Center

3930 - 17th Street Sarasota, Fl 34235

Telephone: 941 - 955 - 3934 Fax: 941 - 365 - 4760

St Jude Catholic Church

Registration / Registro

To register as a parishioner, visit the parish office during office hours.

Para registrarse como miembro de la parroquia deben llenar un formulario en horas de oficina.

Baptism / Bautizos

Baptisms and baptism classes in English are scheduled by appointment. Please call the office to sign up.

Las clases de Bautismo son el primer y el tercer jueves de cada mes a las 6:30 p.m.

Los Bautizos se celebran los sábados a las 9 a.m. y los domingos después de la Misa de1:30 p.m. Favor de pasar por la oficina, lunes-Viernes, de 9am-5pm para registrarse y traer el certificado de Nacimiento.

Masses / Misas


Mon - Fri 7:30 AM (English) Wed 7:00 PM (Spanish) Saturdays:

7:30 AM, 4:00 PM (Vigil)(English) 7:00 PM (Spanish)


7:30 AM, 10:30 AM &

5:00 PM (English) 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, &

1:30 PM (Spanish) Portuguese Mass 6:30 PM

(1st and 3rd Sunday of each month)

Confessions / Confesiones:


6:00 – 6:50 PM (Spanish) Saturdays:

3:00 – 3:45 PM (English) 6:00 – 6:50 PM (Spanish) Sundays:

Half hour before Mass or by appt.

Media hora antes de Misa o por cita.


Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa

August 29 7:30 a.m. - George Van Vladricken August 30 7:30 a.m. - George Van Vladricken

August 31 7:30 a.m. - Deceased Members of the Frederick- Gibson Family

7:00 p.m. -For the Intentions of our Parishioners September 1 7:30 a.m. - Diana Soscia

September 2 7:30 a.m. - Raul Lopez September 3 7:30 a.m. - John Johnson

4:00 p.m. - Jim Schuetz

7:00 p.m. -For the Intentions of our Parishioners September 4 7:30 a.m. - Richard Schwehr

9:00 a.m. -For the Intentions of our Parishioners 10:30 a.m. - Marlon Buendía

12:00 p.m. -For the Intentions of our Parishioners 1:30 p.m. -For the Intentions of our Parishioners 5:00 p.m. - Cindy Schiavo

If you need assistance from Catholic Chari es for food, financial assistance or tele-mental health counseling, please call the number for your area listed below between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday:

Sarasota/Manatee/DeSoto/Hardee/Highlands coun es: 844-385-2407 863-494-1068 (Español).

Pray for… Recen por...

Our families and friends who are sick, in hospitals, or nursing homes, especially for:

Nuestra familias y amigos que están enfermos, en hospitales o asilos de ancianos, especialmente por:

Rosemary Reinhard , Isaiah & Noah, Alicia Mirandilla, Ana María Badua, Lorraine Sacino, José Cava, Pablo Norberto Perdomo, William (Papo) Carrillo, Alison Wilson, Frank Schiavo, Pierrette Zajkowski, Frank Bennick, Mateo Reyes, Frances Sosadeeter, Dorothy

Jacobs, María Esther López, Aida Cabo.

All those affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic...

For our men and women in the Armed Services…

May God guide, bless and protect them during this time.

Todos los afectados por la Pandemia de Coronavirus...

Por nuestros hombres y mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas...

Que Dios los guíe, los bendiga y los proteja durante este tiempo.

La Santa Misa, oficiada por nuestro Párroco, el Padre Celestino Gutiérrez, es transmitida en Español todos los Domingos, a las 8 a.m. por la 99.1 y a las 10 a.m. por la 105.3.

Agradecemos a SOLMART Media por su

colaboración y a los Patrocinadores para su transmisión.

Food Pantry Hours:

Horario Despensa de Alimentos Wednesday / Miércoles

5:00 pm — 6:30 pm Saturday / Sábado 8:30 am—9:30 am Located behind Church building


August 29 Ps 119:97-102;

Mk 6:17-29

Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b-16;

August 30 Ps 145:8-14;

Lk 4:31-37

Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1-9;

August 31 Ps 33:12-15, 20-21;

Lk 4:38-44

Thursday: 1 Cor 3:18-23;

September 1 Ps 24:1bc-4ab, 5-6;

Lk 5:1-11

Friday: 1 Cor 4:1-5;

September 2 Ps 37:3-6, 27-28, 39-40;

Lk 5:33-39

Saturday: 1 Cor 4:6b-15;

September 3 Ps 145:17-21;

Lk 6:1-5

Sunday: Wis 9:13-18b;

September 4 Ps 90:3-6, 12-17;

Phlm 9-10, 12-17;

Lk 14:25-33

Lunes: 1 Cor 2:1-5;

Agosto 29 Sal 119 (118):97-102;

Mc 6:17-29

Martes: 1 Cor 2:10b-16;

Agosto 30 Sal 145 (144):8-14;

Lc 4:31-37

Miércoles: 1 Cor 3:1-9;

Agosto 31 Sal 33 (32):12-15, 20-21;

Lc 4:38-44

Jueves: 1 Cor 3:18-23;

Sep embre 1 Sal 24 (23):1bc-4ab, 5-6;

Lc 5:1-11

Viernes: 1 Cor 4:1-5;

Sep embre 2 Sal 37 (36):3-6, 27-28, 39-40;

Lc 5:33-39

Sábado: 1 Cor 4:6b-15;

Sep embre 3 Sal 145 (144):17-21;

Lc 6:1-5

Domingo: Sab 9:13-18b;

Sep embre 4 Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-17;

Flm 9-10, 12-17;

Lc 14:25-33


Dear Families:

This Sunday we face something simple and great at the same me. The theme of our reflec on would be this: A person’s greatness lies in his simplicity.

Nature is simple. Water from a stream that runs through the grass; the hidden violet that perfumes the forest; the song of a bird hidden among the branches; the sun’s rays that silently give warmth and life. All that is natural is simple, and in its simplicity, it is wonderful.

Individuals who are natural also are simple and pleasant. It is only when a person lets themselves be corrupted by pride, selfishness, power, or a desire to be above others, that they lose their simplicity and naturalness, thus allowing envy, strife and unrest.

Throughout his life, Jesus demonstrated how he prefers the simple and the poor. Some mes we think we are not worth much, because we have no money or power as do some in this world.

This Sunday's Gospel reminds us how Jesus used a banquet to give a lesson in humility to guests seeking the top spot. He encourages in the convic on that He loves the poor, and with that love He gives dignity, iden ty, and meaning to people.

The first reading from the Book of Sirach gives this advice: "My son, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gi s. Humble yourself the more, the greater you are, and you will find favor with God. For great is the power of God; by the humble he is glorified”.

And Jesus adds: "Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted".

Peace, grace and salva on to all, Father Celestino, Pastor Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 28, 2022

Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24ª;

Luke 14:1, 7-14; Psalm 68

Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 28 de agosto del 2022

Eclesiástico (Sirácide) 3:19-21, 30-31; Hebreos 12:18-19, 22-24ª; Lucas 14:1, 7-14; Salmo 68

Queridas familias:

Este domingo nos plantea algo sencillo y grande a la vez. El tema sería este: En la sencillez está la grandeza de la persona.

La naturaleza es sencilla. El agua de un riachuelo que corre entre las hierbas; la violeta que, escondida, perfuma el bosque, el canto del pájaro escondido entre las ramas de un arbusto; el fuego que nace del tronco que se deja quemar para dar calor; los rayos del sol que silenciosos dan calor y vida. Todo lo natural es sencillo y, en su sencillez, es maravilloso.

También las personas naturales son sencillas y agradables.

Solo cuando alguien se deja corromper por el orgullo, por el egoísmo, por el poder, por el deseo de estar por encima de los demás, pierde la sencillez y la naturalidad, y empiezan las envidias, las luchas y el malestar.

Durante toda su vida, Jesús demuestra cómo prefiere a los sencillos y a los pobres. A veces podemos pensar que no valemos mucho, porque no tenemos dinero o poder como los poderosos de este mundo.

El evangelio de este domingo nos recuerda cómo Jesús aprovechó un banquete para dar una lección de humildad a los convidados que buscaban los primeros puestos. Y nos anima en nuestra vida en la convicción de que ama a los pobres, y con ese amor da dignidad, iden dad, sen do a las personas.

También la primera lectura del libro del Eclesiás co da este consejo: “Hijo mío, en tus asuntos, procede con humildad y te querrán más que al hombre generoso. Hazte pequeño en las grandezas humanas y alcanzarás el favor de Dios;

porque es grande la misericordia de Dios y revela sus secretos a los humildes”.

Y Jesús añade: “Todo el que se enaltece será humillado y el que se humilla será enaltecido”.

Paz, gracia y salvación para todos,

Padre Celestino, Párroco

3 3


Pope Francis Prayer Intentions August 2022

We pray for small and medium sized businesses; in the midst of economic and social crisis, may they find ways to

con nue opera ng, and serving their communi es.

Weekly Reflections

“Peace is primarily an a tude of the heart. It is born of jus ce, grows in

fraternity, flourishes on gratuitousness. It inspires us to serve

the truth.”

Intenciones de oración del Papa Francisco

August 2022

Oramos por las pequeñas y medianas empresas; en medio de la crisis económica y social, que encuentren formas de seguir operando y sirviendo a

sus comunidades.

Reflexiones Semanales “La paz es ante todo una ac tud del corazón. Nace de la jus cia, crece en la fraternidad, florece en la gratuidad. Nos

inspira a servir a la verdad.”

Recuerden a Nuestros Difuntos Remember Our Faithful Departed


8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. en la Iglesia EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT


8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the Church

Registra on / Inscripción :

Registra on for Religious Educa on began on August 10th and will con nue through August 31st. If you need to register your children, please stop by the office.

Registra on hours are from 2:00 to 5:00pm, Wednesday through Friday.

Remember to bring the child’s birth and bap sm cer ficates. Cost for the class and bible is $30.

Please call the office at 955-3934 for more informa on.

Las inscripciónes para las clases de Educación Religiosa comenzaron el 10 de agosto y con nuarán hasta el 31 de agosto. Si necesita registrar a sus hijos, pase por la oficina.

El horario de inscripción es de 2:00 a 5:00 pm, de miércoles a viernes.

Recuerde traer los cer ficados de nacimiento y de bau smo del niño. El costo de la clase y biblia es de $30.

Para mas informacion, llame a la oficina al 955-3934.


bâÜ _twç Éy Ytà|Åt

– has requested that we offer a Rosary for Peace on the 1st Saturday of each month (Sept. 3rd)and 15 minutes of meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary. Please join us at St. Jude Church each first Saturday, after the 7:30 a.m.

Mass, as we offer our Lady of Fatima her Rosary for Peace.

aâxáàÜt fx©ÉÜt wx Yöà|Åt

– ha solicitado que ofrezcamos un Rosario por la Paz el 1er sábado de cada mes (3 de Sept.) y 15 minutos de meditación sobre los Misterios del Rosario. Únase a nosotros en la Iglesia de San Judas cada primer sábado, después de la Misa de las 7:30 a. m., para ofrecer a Nuestra Señora de Fátima su Rosario por la Paz.

““No sin or crime is greater than God’s mercy. The sacrifice of the Cross reveals that Christ’s greatest desire is to forgive those with a repentant heart.”

USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities

“Death Penalty: Catholic Q&A”

“"Ningún pecado o crimen es más grande que la

misericordia de Dios. El sacrificio de la cruz revela que el mayor deseo de Cristo es perdonar a los que tienen un corazón arrepentido."

Secretariado de Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB

“Pena de Muerte: Preguntas y respuestas católicas”

W L : A 2022


Looking for a movie with a positive message?

- LIFEMARK is a powerful film that celebrates adoption, reconciliation and love. It will run in many local theaters for one week, September 9- 15. Inspire by a true story, it stars Kirk Camer- on. Watch the trailer, find local theater times and ticket information at www.lifemarkmovie.com.

Groups of 25+ can purchase discounted tickets through the website.

Questions? Contact Respect Life Director Jeanne

Berdeaux at Berdeaux@dioceseofvenice.org or 941-374-1068.

Adoption Prayer: Heavenly Father, Bless all ex- pectant mothers who are placing their children for adoption and who may also be young and afraid.

They love their children so much that they are will- ing to place them with a loving family. Bless, too, all the women who already have shown the sacri- ficial nature of a mother’s love in making adoption plans for their children. Give them all your cour- age and your peace, through Christ our Lord.


The Fall Campaign begins September 28 and ends November 6. Check with your parish coordinator to join your parish’s day on the sidewalk or go to www.40daysforlife.com – look under the loca-

ons tab for Sarasota or Fort Myers.

Your presence can be a powerful sign to women in need that be er op ons are available to her.


Praying the Rosary at St. Jude

The Rosary is prayed in English every morning (except Sun- days) in the Church at 6:55 a.m.

All are invited.

St. Jude Food Pantry News!

The St. Jude Parish Food Pantry located in the trailer behind the Church is open for food distribu on, and, will follow social distancing protocols. To make a monetary or food dona on, please visit our website at www.stjudesarasota.org

La despensa de alimentos de la parroquia St. Jude ubicada en el tráiler detrás de la iglesia, está abierta para la distribución de alimentos y seguirá los protocolos de distanciamiento social. Para hacer una donación monetaria o de alimentos, visite nuestro si o web en www.stjudesarasota.org

*** Items needed / Ar culos necesitados: ***

Coffee, Soups, Juices, Boxed Milk, Snacks, White Rice (bags or boxes),

Condiments (sugar, ketchup, salt, mayonnaise, mustard, oil, salad dressing), Flour, Corn Meal (Masa), Canned meats, Baby Food.

Café, Sopas, Barras de Proteina, Jugos, Leche en Caja, Arroz Blanco (bolsa o cajas), Condimentos (azúcar, ketchup, sal, mayonesa, mustaza, aceite de cocinar, aderezo para ensaladas), Harina de Maíz, Carne Enlatada,

Comida para infantes.

Pounds of Food: 4,312 Libras de Comida:

Individuals Served: 428 Individuos Servidos:

Households Served: 177 Familias Servidas:

Week of: / Semana de: August 15th through August 21th, 2022

Please DO NOT bring open or expired items or boxes. Por favor NO TRAER cajas o arƟculos abiertos o expirados.

St. Jude

Catholic Faith Appeal Activity

50/50 Raffle Winner August 21 Alysa Hill

Total Receipts:


Offertory collection for/

La colecta del fin de semana del:

August 20 & 21

$10,965.00 Thank You for your Support!

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

Our Parish is in need of lectors for the English 7:30 a.m. daily Mass, as well as the Sunday Masses. If you are interested in this beau ful ministry, please contact our Sacristan,

Ana Maria a er the Mass.

Medita on Group No ce

Be s ll, and know... . (Ps46:10)

"Due to travel and schedule disrup ons and concerns over maintaining our group through

the winter months we have elected to postpone our gather- ing in the chapel from August 22, un l a er the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

All are encouraged to con nue medita on in your personal prac ce. Contact: Pat Presco (941) 378-2521.




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